Ep 89: Do What You Love And Love What You Do With Kathryn Minshew - Jean Chatzky - Making money make sense

Ep 89: Do What You Love And Love What You Do With Kathryn Minshew

As we head into the home stretch of 2017, it’s time for a little honesty and introspection: Are you happy at work? Does your job excite you? Does it make you feel fulfilled? Does it make you feel like you have a purpose? We know it sounds idealistic — and no, you’re not going to love everything you do every single day — but fulfillment at work is possible. This week Kathryn Minshew, CEO & founder of TheMuse.com, tells us how in a lively, exciting conversation. Oh, and, for the record, we happen to love what we do and it’s largely because of you. Please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and tell us what you’d like to hear more of in 2018.

Catch up on what you missed:

  • This week we’re speaking with a woman who’s on a mission to make other women, “really f***ing rich.” Cindy Eckert, founder & CEO of Sprout Pharmaceuticals is leading this charge, while simultaneously supercharging our sex lives.

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    Ep 127: Sex, Power & The Little Pink Pill

  • It’s college application season for thousands of high school seniors across the country — and the ones who love them. Whether you’re up against the deadline this year — or see it coming around the corner — it’s never too early to start strategizing. We sat down with independent university admissions counselor and founder and […]

    September 12, 2018

    Ep 126: Your Survival Guide For College App Season

  • We have that back-to-school spirit over here and it inspired us to do a Bonus Mailbag! Here’s what’s on the syllabus: Ideas outside of retirement for investing “for fun,” the perks of making additional mortgage payments (but also whether you should? Think ROI!), 529 alternatives, why someone might put her home in a trust and […]

    September 7, 2018

    Bonus Mailbag #11

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